Life changes plans/Updates on boat systems

It’s been a lot longer than I would have liked since I made a post here. Boat work hasn’t stopped, but as will become obvious from this post, we haven’t untied the lines or started heading up the Inside Passage. Unfortunately my partner has been dealing with a mysterious health issue since the beginning of the year, and we’ve delayed our plans to deal with it.

But, in the mean time, there’s always boat work. The schedule has changed in a lot of ways, but many projects have been completed and we’ve had time to get a feel for our electrical system and solar panels. The short version? The results are extremely promising.

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Sailboat work and prep for cruising

It’s been quite a while since I wrote an entry here, and even longer since I regularly updated. But, given my activities since I bought my sailboat and the upcoming cruising plans, it really is time for an update, and hopefully the start of some somewhat regular updates. I would really like to get into the habit of writing weekly entries or even more often once cruising life has begun.

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